Reasons why a 27+ year old Indonesian woman is currently doubting marriage.

2 min readOct 11, 2023


Sources dribble

Indonesian women may have different cultural expectations when it comes to marriage, so it’s important to be aware of these differences. Some Indonesian women may prioritize family and traditional gender roles, while others may have more modern views on marriage and gender equality. It’s important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your expectations and concerns. Some Indonesian women may face societal pressure to get married, which can lead to doubts and anxiety. Ultimately, the decision to get married is a personal one and should be based on mutual respect, trust, and love. That’s why Indonesian women have a reason:

1. Challenges of age difference: If the woman’s partner is significantly older or younger than her, this can lead to challenges in the relationship that may cause doubts about the marriage.

2. Lack of strong reasons: Some people may not be interested in getting married because they do not have strong reasons for doing so. Marriage should be based on strong and appropriate reasons for each individual.

3. Negative emotions: Seeing friends or acquaintances getting married can sometimes trigger negative emotions, such as self-doubt, which can lead to doubts about getting married.

4. Concerns about early marriage: If the woman is concerned about the impact of early marriage on parenting and the character of children, this can lead to doubts about getting married.

5. Legal uncertainty: If the woman is concerned about the legal status of her marriage and the status of her children, this can also lead to doubts about getting married.

6. Dream interpretation : In some cases, dreaming about getting married can be interpreted as a sign of doubt or uncertainty about one’s current relationship or future prospects.

It is important to note that each individual's reasons for doubting marriage may be unique and personal. It is important to carefully consider one's own feelings and motivations before making a decision about marriage.

